Author Topic: *(SKIN CANCER AWARENESS )*--and What We Need to Know  (Read 501 times)

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*(SKIN CANCER AWARENESS )*--and What We Need to Know
« on: June 07, 2019, 10:23:03 pm »

Skin Cancer Awareness
Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays causes most cases of melanoma, the deadliest kind of skin cancer.
To lower your skin cancer risk, protect your skin from the sun and avoid indoor tanning.
Summer is full of outdoor activities.
You probably put sunscreen on yourself and your kids when you go to the pool or the beach.
But do you know you should protect your skin with more than just sunscreen anytime you’re outside?
Sun protection is important all year round, and it’s best to use several different kinds.
When you’re working in the yard, watching a ballgame, or taking an afternoon walk, make sun safety an everyday habit so you can avoid getting a sunburn and lower your chance of getting skin cancer.

What’s In Your Tote Bag?
* Here’s an easy tip to help make sure you and your family stay sun-safe.
* Get ready for summer with a tote bag full of different ways to protect your skin.
* Keep the tote bag handy so you can grab it whenever you head out for summer fun!

Some important things to pack
* A lightweight long-sleeved shirt or cover-up.
* A hat with a wide brim that shades your face, head, ears, and neck.
* Sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays.
* Sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher and both UVA and UVB (broad spectrum) protection.

More Sun Safety Tips
* Stay in the shade, especially during late morning through mid-afternoon.
* Can’t stay in the shade? Wear a long-sleeved shirt and pants to protect your skin.
* Remember to reapply sunscreen at least every 2 hours and after swimming, sweating, or toweling off.

Fast Facts About Skin Cancer
*Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, and includes different types.
* Unprotected skin can be damaged by the sun’s UV rays in as little as 15 minutes.
* Even if it’s cool and cloudy, you still need protection. UV rays, not the temperature, do the damage.
* Anyone can get skin cancer, but some things put you at higher risk.
* The most common signs of skin cancer are changes on your skin, such as a new growth,
a sore that doesn’t heal, or a change in a mole.

What Are the Symptoms of Skin Cancer?
A change in your skin is the most common sign of skin cancer.
This could be a new growth, a sore that doesn’t heal, or a change in a mole.
Not all skin cancers look the same.

A simple way to remember the signs of melanoma is to remember the A-B-C-D-Es of melanoma
A” stands for asymmetrical. Does the mole or spot have an irregular shape with two parts that look very different?
B” stands for border. Is the border irregular or jagged?
C” is for color. Is the color uneven?
D” is for diameter. Is the mole or spot larger than the size of a pea?
E” is for evolving. Has the mole or spot changed during the past few weeks or months?

Talk to your doctor if you notice changes in your skin such as a new growth, a sore that doesn’t heal, a change in an old growth, or any of the A-B-C-D-Es of melanoma.

More Information
Moles to Melanoma: Recognizing the ABCDE Features (National Cancer Institute)

What Is Skin Cancer?
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. The two most common types of skin cancer—basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas—are highly curable, but can be disfiguring and costly to treat. Melanoma, the third most common skin cancer, is more dangerous and causes the most deaths. The majority of these three types of skin cancer are caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) light.

Ultraviolet (UV) Light
Ultraviolet (UV) rays are an invisible kind of radiation that comes from the sun, tanning beds, and sunlamps.
UV rays can penetrate and change skin cells.

The three types of UV rays are
* ultraviolet A (UVA),
* ultraviolet B (UVB), and
* ultraviolet C (UVC)

More UVA rays reach the earth’s surface than the other types of UV rays. UVA rays can reach deep into human skin, UVA rays can damaging connective tissue and the skin’s DNA.

Most UVB rays are absorbed by the ozone layer, so fewer of them reach the earth’s surface compared to UVA rays. UVB rays, which help produce vitamin D in the skin, don’t reach as far into the skin as UVA rays, but they can still cause sunburn and damage DNA.

UVC rays are very dangerous, but they are absorbed completely by the ozone layer and do not reach the earth’s surface.

In addition to causing sunburn, too much exposure to UV rays can change skin texture, cause the skin to age prematurely, and can lead to skin cancer. UV rays also have been linked to eye conditions such as cataracts.

UV Index
The National Weather Service and the Environmental Protection Agency developed the UV Index to forecast the risk of overexposure to UV rays. It lets you know how much caution you should take when spending time outdoors.

* The UV Index predicts exposure levels on a 0 to 15 scale; higher levels indicate a higher risk of overexposure.
* If the UV index is 3 or higher, sun protection is needed.
* Calculated on a next-day basis for dozens of cities across the United States, the UV Index takes into account clouds and other local conditions that affect the amount of UV rays reaching the ground.

How Can I Protect My Children from the Sun?
Just a few serious sunburns can increase your child’s risk of skin cancer later in life. Kids don’t have to be at the pool, beach, or on vacation to get too much sun. Their skin needs protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays whenever they’re outdoors.

Seek shade.
UV rays are strongest and most harmful during midday, so it’s best to plan indoor activities then. If this is not possible, seek shade under a tree, an umbrella, or a pop-up tent. Use these options to prevent sunburn, not to seek relief after it’s happened.

Cover up.
When possible, long-sleeved shirts and long pants and skirts can provide protection from UV rays. Clothes made from tightly woven fabric offer the best protection. A wet T-shirt offers much less UV protection than a dry one, and darker colors may offer more protection than lighter colors. Some clothing certified under international standards comes with information on its ultraviolet protection factor.

Get a hat.
Hats that shade the face, scalp, ears, and neck are easy to use and give great protection. Baseball caps are popular among kids, but they don’t protect their ears and neck. If your child chooses a cap, be sure to protect exposed areas with sunscreen.

Wear sunglasses.
They protect your child’s eyes from UV rays, which can lead to cataracts later in life. Look for sunglasses that wrap around and block as close to 100% of both UVA and UVB rays as possible.

Apply sunscreen.
Use sunscreen with at least SPF 15 and UVA and UVB (broad spectrum) protection every time your child goes outside. For the best protection, apply sunscreen generously 30 minutes before going outdoors. Don’t forget to protect ears, noses, lips, and the tops of feet.

Take sunscreen with you to reapply during the day, especially after your child swims or exercises. This applies to waterproof and water-resistant products as well.

Follow the directions on the package for using a sunscreen product on babies less than 6 months old. All products do not have the same ingredients; if your or your child’s skin reacts badly to one product, try another one or call a doctor. Your baby’s best defense against sunburn is avoiding the sun or staying in the shade.

Keep in mind, sunscreen is not meant to allow kids to spend more time in the sun than they would otherwise. Try combining sunscreen with other options to prevent UV damage.

Too Much Sun Hurts

Warning: Even a few serious sunburns can increase your child's risk of getting skin cancer.

Turning pink?
Unprotected skin can be damaged by the sun’s UV rays in as little as 15 minutes.
Yet it can take up to 12 hours for skin to show the full effect of sun exposure.
So, if your child’s skin looks “a little pink” today, it may be burned tomorrow morning.
To prevent further burning, get your child out of the sun.

There’s no other way to say it—tanning your skin is damaging skin.
Any change in the color of your child’s skin after time outside—whether sunburn or suntan—indicates damage from UV rays.

Cool and cloudy?
Children still need protection.
UV rays, not the temperature, do the damage.
Clouds do not block UV rays, they filter them—and sometimes only slightly.

Kids often get sunburned when they are outdoors unprotected for longer than expected.
Remember to plan ahead, and keep sun protection handy—in your car, bag, or child’s backpack.

Ham Radio--N2ATP / AE
Martin County Skywarn Advanced
Martin County Ares/Races
Cpr-First Aid-Aed
FEMA/ICS-1/2/7/800-951 Radio Inter-Op Certified
Former Firefighter (Broad Channel / Island Park)


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